Tuesday, September 30, 2008
McCain's HealthCare Plan
There are several aspects to any health care reform package that should be considered. Very broadly:
1. Cost of premiums
2. Overall cost (I.E. hospital bills in emergencies)
3. Availability of coverage
4. Quality of care
Senator McCain doesn't address all of these (which is problem one) but I wanted to talk about what he does address. All of the information here is from McCain's website, Kaiser's health care plan's comparison, and factcheck.org.
1. Cost of premiums: Stated goal is to reduce through competition and provide a tax break of $2,500-$5,000 to those with private insurance. However, as Obama tried to point out in the debate (he did a bad job), his plan really screws over 100 million Americans with employee provided health insurance- the only remotely affordable health insurance the "un-insurable" can get in this country.
One of his plan planks on premiums is: "Reform the tax code to eliminate the exclusion of the value of health insurance plans offered by employers from workers’ taxable income." This overwhelmingly outweighs the $2,500-$5,000 rebate because it makes money your employers pay toward your health care taxable income against you. The purpose of this is to discourage you from having health insurance from your employer and get into the market for private insurance, supposedly increasing competition. Unfortunately, beyond this theory of competition, the McCain plan does nothing to actually encourage price drops. Considering that more Americans are insured than ever before (NOT by percentage, by simple volume) and prices go up every year with the cost of health care, without comprehensive reform there is no guarantee, and for that matter, no impetus at all for costs to come down.
On average for a family of four, employers contribute $12,000 per year to the cost of health insurance for those on an employer provided plan. $12,000 minus $5,000 = a $7,000 tax increase per year for almost a third of the country. For individuals it's much less of a punch, for example in my case it would end up being about a $900 increase.
2. As for the cost of care, Obama and McCain have some similarities when it comes to prevention, frivolous lawsuits, and generic drugs. However McCain's overall philosophy on how to bring costs down is still competition. Health insurance companies exist to make money, not to care about people. That isn't a moral fault- as a corporation that's the way it should be- but in this economy that is only serving to eliminate competition and force consolidation we are going to have to enforce price ceilings like any other commodity, a stable of the Obama plan.
3. McCain will leave it up to states to pass laws requiring insurances companies to insure people. This is a horrifically inadequate solution to a downright immoral system where people who went to the doctor for a yeast infection are denied health insurance. Not to mention people who have been CURED of their condition (who ever heard of that right?) being un-insurable.
4. Both McCain and Obama's plans on this seem to be full or jargon; but it basically boils down to new accountibility standards, which is fine with me. I think the biggest issue we have though is emergency room care, particularly in inner cities, which only Obama seems to even (lightly) address with care disparity accountability based on region.
Obama's healthcare plan is far from perfect. But everyone agrees that his priority is getting people health care instead of continuing the trend toward more families not being able to afford it or even qualify for it. The bottom line is that McCain's alternatives won't work- something even writers at the Wall Street Journal agree with.
Yesterday I posted an Obama quote from the AIPAC conference: "Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided,"
Someone pointed out that Obama later retracted this statement, and he should have. As far as I understand it from some basic research and talking to a few Israeli friends, an undivided Jerusalem is a fairly extreme right proposition. Palestinians were horrified by that quote and it would have been unhelpful if he were elected and hadn't retracted it.
I think you could chalk it up to a Biden-esque gaffe, but it doesn't detract from the point of the post- he's on board.
Monday, September 29, 2008
More Obama Israel Quotes
Obama will support Israel. Seriously people.
1. He says "Israel" in a lot of his speeches.
2. His supporters believe that the second coming of Christ can only occur when Israel, including the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, belongs to the Jews. Of course all the Jews who don't accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior will then be damned to Hell, but anyway. . .
3. He is hot-tempered and military-minded. He seems more likely to support aggressive Israeli defense efforts against their enemies.
However, we have another candidate in this race who openly and explicitly supports Israel. Another candidate who may not feel the same religious fervor to keep Israel in Jewish hands for the End of Days, but who understands the situation from a realistic perspective, and has every intention of supporting Israel. Here's why I believe Barack Obama can and will support Israel:
1. Barack Obama expressed his explicit and, what I believe to be his heartfelt support of Israel at the 2008 AIPAC conference. Here is his speech in its entirety:
2. Barack Obama has made his support of Israel clear to the media. He has said that Israel will have an "unwavering ally" in him. Watch him speak about America's "special relationship" with Israel on CNN here:
3. There is this idea that Obama thinks he can just talk his way into peace in the middle east. He understands this isn't the case. Watch that here:
4. Obama is not just talk. On Jan. 22, 2008, he sent the following letter to U.N. Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad:
5. I have tried to find evidence of the rumored hypocrtical speech Obama gave to the Palestinian community. Besides evidence that he has some Palestinian and Muslim supporters, I can't find anything to support this idea that Obama is pandering to both sides. And I think Obama's focus on diplomacy alone would make him a more appealing choice to ANYONE in the global community, not just Muslims.
I invite anyone with any real evidence that Obama will not fully support Israel to leave a comment on this post.
America's Mixed Bailout Feelings
- A bailout sends the wrong message about personal responsibility. It tells Americans in no uncertain terms that the major financial decisions they've made will have no consequences; the government will pick up the tab.
- A bailout allows banks, mortgage brokers, speculators, and refinancers to benefit from abuse of the system. By doing so, it encourages these people to act irresponsibly in the future. As long as we are ABOUT TO DIE A HORRIBLE DEATH papa bear will fix it.
- A bailout will force Americans who acted responsibly to pay for those who did not. My wife and I are going to have to save probably 20% to buy a house- but even still might be out of luck because speculators and over-extenders boosted home prices beyond affordability- and now we'll be forced to pay for the homes of those who were less scrupulous.
- A bailout will have a disproportionately negative affect on people under 35. Americans under 35 are disproportionately underrepresented among homeowners; only 42% of Americans under 35 own homes, compared to 80% for Americans 55 and older. A government bailout will perpetuate this gap by propping-up inflated housing prices, thereby permanently pricing a generation of youth out of the market. And in a Kafkaesque irony, these folks will actually have to pay to prevent themselves from buying homes (i.e., taxes).
- A bailout shifts the risks of falling market prices from financially secure banks to the American taxpayer. As a result, either taxes or the federal deficit will skyrocket.
- See this PDF from Denniger here.
- And another one here.
- Additionally, the methodology of the distribution of the 700 billion dollars is subject to the whims of Henry Paulson. Yes, the failed bill had oversight in it, but how many economics professors are in Congress? Oh yeah.
"[T]his bill would not have been agreed to had it not been for John McCain. ... But, you know, this is a bipartisan accomplishment, a bipartisan success. And if people want to get something done in Washington, they just watch John McCain." — Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, 9/29/08
"Earlier in the week, when Senator McCain came back to Washington, there had been no deal reached. ... What Senator McCain was able to do was to help bring all the parties to the table, including the House Republicans." — Senior adviser Steve Schmidt, 9/28/08
"But here are the facts, and I’m not overselling anything. The fact is that the House Republicans were not in the mix at all. John didn’t phone this one in. He came and actually did something. ... You can’t phone something like this in. Thank God John came back." — Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), 9/28/08